Aftershock Student Ministry provides a safe environment for middle school and high school students to encounter God and experience community so that they become equipped disciples who are able to engage their world.
We want to partner with your family to disciple your students, so that each child has the Biblical foundation necessary to become a mature follower of Christ when they graduate high school. We do this is through Life Connection Groups on Sunday morning, Wednesday worship during the week, and Discipleship Groups on Sunday nights. We also have events scattered throughout the year to provide a fun and encouraging environment to build Godly friendships.

Student Ministry meets every Wednesday night. Students can expect a fun environment where they can enjoy time with friends, worship, preaching, and games. Following our time of preaching, we break into grade specific small groups to further discuss the message on an age appropriate level.

Cody Coxwell | Student Pastor
Cody came on staff in May of 2021. He and his wife Savannah have been married since 2020. They both graduated from CSU in 2021 and now Cody is studying for his Masters at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Cody has been living out a call to ministry since the second grade and he and his wife love serving the students at Northwood! All-nighters, endless pizza, and silly games are right up their alley. They look forward to see what God is going to do in the lives of the students at Northwood Baptist Church.
Favorite sports team?
Carolina Gamecocks
The coolest place you've visited?
Alatau Mountain Range, Kazakhstan
Favorite place to eat?
Paladart, Dominican Republic
Your biggest fear?
Being late to places